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Make $10,000 Upfront & ⬆️$484/Day Using Social Media at Home


Hey guys, in this video we have a few different work-from-home jobs where you can make a few hundred a day on social media. Also, one of these has a $10,000 upfront signing bonus and can pay up to $484 a day.

1: Sticker Mule: Social Media CEO

Overview of Sticker Mule

One place we’re looking at is called Sticker Mule. This is a place that does custom stickers, labels, packaging, t-shirts, and things like that.

Job Responsibilities

Compensation and Benefits

2: Underdog Fantasy: Social Media Associate

Overview of Underdog Fantasy

Next, we have Underdog Fantasy, a rapidly growing sports gaming company founded in 2020 and backed by major celebrities like Kevin Durant and Mark Cuban.

Job Responsibilities

Compensation and Benefits

3: LiveWorld: Social Media Agent

Overview of LiveWorld

Finally, we have LiveWorld, a company that frequently hires part-time contractors for social media and community management roles.

Job Responsibilities

Compensation and Requirements